Another example of the Asian hairstyles that have found widespread appeal beyond the confines of the Indian continent is the hairstyle known as the 'short bob.' Here, the idea is to make the hair into short bobs (by growing it to medium height, but never letting it fall over) and then treating and combing it so that the bobs, at least most of them, lie to the left and to the right of the head, rather than to the back of the head.
The curled look is yet another of the Asian hairstyle that have found widespread appeal outside Asia. The way Asian hair curls though, has made it difficult for non Asians to replicate this exact look, unless they first subject their hair to treatment that makes it look like Asian hair before curling it. The distinguishing thing with Asian hair curls is that they tend to grow a bit wispy - which can often result in a very alluring look. The curled Asian hairstyles work best for very long hair, and thankfully, in most Asian cultures, growing one's hair very long is not socially frowned upon - of course as long as you can take good care of it.
There are also Asian hairstyles primarily based on haircuts that serve as frames to the face of the wearer and these too, wherever employed have tended to be rather irresistible in terms of the look they result produce.
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Asian Hairstyles
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